Display a WIG module step by step

0. Download all files in this tutorial.

Download WIG.zip and click *.html file(in WIG.zip) to open this demo in local browser!.

1. Input data.

    Example file: WIG01.txt

    Data structure

    Users should prepare the input data in the following format (separated by tabs).

    #chr posStart   posEnd       value
    1    813468   813470 6
    1    3383745   3383747       3
    1    6157646   6157648       3
    1    24793116   24793118     9
    X    136860114   136860116   3
    X    138413104   138413106   9
    X    149344414   149344416   9
    X    154203563   154203565   5

    Following fields are required:

    • The 1 column(chr) is the name of the chromosome.

    • The 2 column(posStart) is the start position of the sequence.

    • The 3 column(posEnd) is the end position of the sequence.

    • The 4 column(value) is the value of the point.

2. Prepare module through python script.


    python NGCircos_PrepareData.py WIG WIG01.txt > WIG01.js

    Example file: WIG01.js

    Details in js file:

    var WIG01 = [ "WIG01" , {
      maxRadius: 220,
      minRadius: 170,
      WIGStrokeColor: "#EEAD0E",
      WIGColor: "red",
      WIGWIGStrokeType: "cardinal",
    } , [
      {chr: "1", pos: "813468", value: "6"},
      {chr: "1", pos: "813469", value: "6"},
      {chr: "1", pos: "813470", value: "6"},
      {chr: "1", pos: "3383745", value: "3"},
      {chr: "X", pos: "136860114", value: "3"},
      {chr: "X", pos: "136860115", value: "3"},
      {chr: "X", pos: "136860116", value: "3"},
      {chr: "X", pos: "138413104", value: "9"},
    Note: explaination for each parameter is available in document

3. Including WIG data

    Use <script> tag to include WIG01.js.

    <script src="js/WIG01.js"></script> 

4. Initialize NG-Circos with WIG data

    Prepare a <div> tag with “example” id to set the picture position your will draw in html, e.g.:

    NGCircos01 = new NGCircos(WIG01,NGCircosGenome,{ // Initialize with "WIG01" data tag

5. Source code

    When step 1 to 4 are finished, the configuration for NGCircos:

    <button class="svg-action-btn download-img" style="height: 18px;line-height: 18px;padding: 0 11px;background: #FFFFFF;border: 1px #D9D9D9 solid;border-radius: 3px;display: inline-block;font-size: 12px;outline: none;color: black">Download png ↓</button>
    <a href="javascript:(function () { var e = document.createElement('script');if (window.location.protocol === 'https:') { e.setAttribute('src', './lib/svg-crowbar.js'); } else { e.setAttribute('src', './lib/svg-crowbar.js'); } e.setAttribute('class', 'svg-crowbar'); document.body.appendChild(e); })();" style="height: 18px;line-height: 18px;padding: 0 11px;background: #FFFFFF;border: 1px #D9D9D9 solid;border-radius: 3px;display: inline-block;font-size: 12px;outline: none;color: black" >Download svg ↓</a>
    <div id="NGCircos"></div>
                <div class="row">
                    <div class="col-lg-12">
                        <div id="NGCircos"></div>
    <!-- Data configuration -->
    <script src="./lib/jquery.js"></script>
    <script src="./lib/d3.js"></script>
    <script src="./lib/NGCircos.js"></script>
    <script src="js/WIG01.js"></script>
    <!-- Genome configuration -->
    var BACKGROUND01 = [ "BACKGROUND01" , {
      BginnerRadius: 220,
      BgouterRadius: 170,
      BgFillColor: "#F2F2F2",
      BgborderColor : "#000",
      BgborderSize : 0.3
      var NGCircosGenome = [      // Configure your own genome here.
         ["1" , 249250621],
         ["2" , 243199373],
         ["3" , 198022430],
         ["4" , 191154276],
         ["5" , 180915260],
         ["6" , 171115067],
         ["7" , 159138663],
         ["8" , 146364022],
         ["9" , 141213431],
         ["10" , 135534747],
         ["11" , 135006516],
         ["12" , 133851895],
         ["13" , 115169878],
         ["14" , 107349540],
         ["15" , 102531392],
         ["16" , 90354753],
         ["17" , 81195210],
         ["18" , 78077248],
         ["19" , 59128983],
         ["20" , 63025520],
         ["21" , 48129895],
         ["22" , 51304566],
         ["X" , 155270560],
         ["Y" , 59373566]
      NGCircos01 = new NGCircos(BACKGROUND01,WIG01,NGCircosGenome,{       // Initialize NGCircos.js with "NGCircosGenome" and Main configuration
         target : "NGCircos",                              // Main configuration "target"
         svgWidth : 900,                                  // Main configuration "svgWidth"
         svgHeight : 600,                                 // Main configuration "svgHeight"
         WIGMouseEvent : true,
         WIGMouseClickDisplay : false,
         WIGMouseClickLineOpacity : 1,           //"none"
         WIGMouseClickLineStrokeColor : "red",   //"none"
         WIGMouseClickLineStrokeWidth : "none",  //"none"
         WIGMouseClickFillColor : "none",  //"none"
         WIGMouseDownDisplay : false,
         WIGMouseDownLineOpacity : 1,           //"none"
         WIGMouseDownLineStrokeColor : "red",   //"none"
         WIGMouseDownLineStrokeWidth : "none",  //"none"
         WIGMouseDownFillColor : "none",  //"none"
         WIGMouseEnterDisplay : false,
         WIGMouseEnterLineOpacity : 1,           //"none"
         WIGMouseEnterLineStrokeColor : "red",   //"none"
         WIGMouseEnterLineStrokeWidth : "none",  //"none"
         WIGMouseEnterFillColor : "none",  //"none"
         WIGMouseLeaveDisplay : false,
         WIGMouseLeaveLineOpacity : 1,           //"none"
         WIGMouseLeaveLineStrokeColor : "red",   //"none"
         WIGMouseLeaveLineStrokeWidth : "none",  //"none"
         WIGMouseLeaveFillColor : "none",  //"none"
         WIGMouseMoveDisplay : false,
         WIGMouseMoveLineOpacity : 1,           //"none"
         WIGMouseMoveLineStrokeColor : "red",   //"none"
         WIGMouseMoveLineStrokeWidth : "none",  //"none"
         WIGMouseMoveFillColor : "none",  //"none"
         WIGMouseOutDisplay : true,
         WIGMouseOutAnimationTime : 500,
         WIGMouseOutLineOpacity : 1.0,   //"none"
         WIGMouseOutLineStrokeColor : "red",    //"none"
         WIGMouseOutLineStrokeWidth : "none",    //"none"
         WIGMouseOutFillColor : "none",  //"none"
         WIGMouseUpDisplay : false,
         WIGMouseUpLineOpacity : 1,           //"none"
         WIGMouseUpLineStrokeColor : "red",   //"none"
         WIGMouseUpLineStrokeWidth : "none",  //"none"
         WIGMouseUpFillColor : "none",  //"none"
         WIGMouseOverDisplay : false,
         WIGMouseOverLineOpacity : 1,           //"none"
         WIGMouseOverLineStrokeColor : "red",   //"none"
         WIGMouseOverLineStrokeWidth : "none",  //"none"
         WIGMouseOverFillColor : "none",  //"none"
         WIGMouseOverTooltipsHtml01 : "Line",
         WIGMouseOverTooltipsPosition : "absolute",
         WIGMouseOverTooltipsBackgroundColor : "white",
         WIGMouseOverTooltipsBorderStyle : "solid",
         WIGMouseOverTooltipsBorderWidth : 0,
         WIGMouseOverTooltipsPadding : "3px",
         WIGMouseOverTooltipsBorderRadius : "3px",
         WIGMouseOverTooltipsOpacity : 0.8,
      NGCircos01.draw_genome(NGCircos01.genomeLength);  // NGCircos.js callback
      NGCircos01.draw_genome(NGCircos01.genomeLength2); // NGCircos2.js callback second time
    <script src="./lib/saveSvgAsPng.js"></script>
            var downloadImg = getEle(".download-img"),
              imgName = getEle("."+NGCircos01.svgClassName);
            //          imgScale = getEle(".img-scale");
              var mySvg = getEle("."+NGCircos01.svgClassName),
                //iImgScale = parseInt(imgScale.value) || 1,
                oImgName = imgName.value || NGCircos01.svgClassName;
    //          saveSvgAsPng(mySvg, oImgName+".png", iImgScale);
              saveSvgAsPng(mySvg, oImgName+".png");
            function getEle(obj){
              var d = document;
              return d.querySelector(obj);

6. Visualization of WIG data using NG-Circos

Download svg ↓